Temple of Net / Arat Sekhem
(Shetaut Neter)
Kemetic Traditions
Ancient Egyptian Schools of Thought
The Hidden Mystery Systems
See below for descriptions of the different Kemetic Traditions.
The Ancient Egyptian mystical philosophy and practice methods are a vast and sophisticated system. The primary schools of thought with their corresponding practice systems are Anunian Theology, Amunian Theology, Memphite Theology and the Goddess system. A most esoteric Ancient Egyptian mystical practice and philosophy is Antonism, the insights, desciplines and practicies espoused Sage Akhuenaton. The primary Ancient Egyptian myth is the Asarian Resurrection which forms the basis of all the traditions and the Egyptian Book of the Dead. These seeming different schools of thought and psycho-mythological systems are actually an integrated spiritual technology related to the awakening of the human soul. The basis of all these schools of thought is Maat Philosophy which is the training of right action which leads to a harmonization of the mind with the cosmos leading to spiritual enlightenment in which the premise of each specific teaching is realized. Each system presents a certain nuance related to the whole and are thus a related and interlaced system of spiritual cultivation. This demonstrates the vast sophistication of the Ancient Egyptian religious process as all of the Gods and Goddesses are as if a large family, each deity related to the other and when one is learned it leads to another and they all supplement each other like an integrated whole somewhat like an orchestra. However, a spiritual practitioner may choose to focus and master one particular system which leads to the same ultimate goal if all were integrated as a single practice. It is advisable to start with one system; master it and then move on to the others.

Sage Akhuenaton was one of the highest sages of Ancient Egypt. Through examination of the teachings which he espoused, it is readily seen that he was a very high spiritual master, and not a heretic as has been postulated by writers and Egyptologists. During his lifetime he reached a level by where he far-surpassed many of his countrymen in spirit matters, thus was able to choose a teaching that was highly esoteric in nature.
Lectures coming soon

Memphite Theology, a very old and ancient tradition from Ancient Egypt, gives great insight into the nature of the human mind in particular regarding the pre cognitive and cognitive states of mind in relation to the Absolute (Neberdjer). The teaching surrounds the mythos and mysticism of Ptah his consort Sekhmet and their son Nefertem. This teaching is detailed on a document that has now come to be called the Shabaka Stone. The Ancient Egyptian Shabaka Stone contains some of the highest teachings concerning the human psycho spiritual experience and the path to spiritual enlightenment. This document, astoundingly gives great insight into the nature of the mind, its ultimate mode of being and how to properly understand it and transcend the lower ethereal realms for the attainment of full blown enlightenment.

Maat philosophy is an aspect of Smai Tawi and was the very basis of Ancient Egyptian civilization. Maat is at once a Goddess, a cosmic principle, and moral ethical philosophy. The cosmic principle of Maat pervades the universe and is the force that maintains creation and functions through nature and human interactions; hence she is the cosmic force that operates the universe. Thus Maat is an aspect of the All Encompassing Divinity in a relative application as justice, truth, righteousness, morality and moral ethical discipline. Maat is a social construct of laws, rules and regulations that allow society to be maintained in harmony and balance which therefore becomes the platform by which an enlightened civilization is created and thrives. If there is no moral ethical basis for culture and society then it is doomed to failure, corruption and eventual downfall. In the spiritual life of a human being, Maat is the very foundation upon which spiritual realization takes place and by which a human being can achieve higher states of consciousness. Maat has implications for society (culture) and the individual within society and culture.
The Goddess Tradition of Ancient Egypt is a highly specialized and mystical teaching. The religion of Ancient Egypt is suffused with the Goddess power and wisdom. Howeveor, certain Goddesses such as Neith, Aset, and Sekhmet were given prominence and had worship temples and chapels dedicated to them. The Goddess Nebt Het (Nephtys) is mentioned in the Pyramid Text, the oldest extant religious writing in this era of human history. The Goddesses Aset, Nebt Het, Net and Selket makes up the quadratic goddesses of protection-each comprising a half of two and when put together forms 4- a mystical number in the Kemetic tradition. Therefore, the protective Goddesses are all related and interlaced as symbiotic powers and when worshipped and propitiated protects the soul on its journey through the narrow passageways of the Duat (Netherworld). Thus, in Ancient Egyptian religion and mystical philosophy the Supreme Being is also worshiped as the Divine Mother-the All Encompassing Deity. In as such the universe and all other deities come from her, she creates the cosmos and earth and all sentient creatures within all the worlds of existence. Hence, what we have here is a sophisticated system of religion where the Goddess Power is given high prominence and following her myths and teachings leads the soul to wisdom and discovery of the absolute, the transcendent reality which is the substratum of all existence.